61.   Since the week-long conference began Monday, numerous countries have expressed their dismay over continued nuclear testing and urged a moratorium.

62.   So far no other country has expressed interest in claiming jurisdiction.

63.   Some Arab countries have expressed solidarity with Pakistan over the nuclear tests furor.

64.   Some ASEAN countries reportedly have expressed reservations lately about admitting Burma now.

65.   Some Arab countries have expressed solidarity with Pakistan over the nuclear tests furore.

66.   Some Western countries have expressed reservations about the possible fund, saying it might conflict with the role of the International Monetary Fund.

67.   Syria has also said it will not sign the treaty unless Israel does, but other Arab countries expressed support for its extension.

68.   The conference is scheduled to be held in November in Doha, Qatar, and many Arab countries have expressed their displeasure at the invitation to Israel.

69.   The head of U.N. peacekeeping, Bernard Miyet of France, said some African countries already have expressed readiness to send troops, but he would not identify them.

70.   The minister noted that some countries have expressed the wish to learn from Indonesia on how to manage religious plurality.

n. + express >>共 913
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investor 1.47%
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country + v. >>共 779
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