61.   Under pressure from foreign governments, Taiwan has been cracking down on copyright piracy in recent years.

62.   U.S. and Chinese trade officials negotiated past a deadline for imposing trade sanctions Monday before reaching an agreement on combating copyright piracy and averting a trade war.

63.   U.S. and Chinese trade negotiators ended two days of talks Friday on copyright piracy and agreed to meet again next week before a deadline for imposing trade sanctions.

64.   U.S. officials say the territory has become a production and distribution center for pirated discs since mainland China began cracking down on copyright piracy.

65.   Vietnam is cracking down on copyright piracy as an agreement with the United States takes effect, the Vietnam Investment Review reported Monday.

66.   Ukraine has enacted a new law to control copyright piracy, but American companies contend the law is flawed and has not been properly enforced.

67.   U.S. negotiators questioned Chinese officials Thursday over efforts to close factories illegally making compact disks as talks resumed to avert a trade war on copyright piracy.

68.   Washington accuses Beijing of failing to adhere to an agreement signed last year to eradicate copyright piracy.

69.   While Thail officials try to prove their resolve to President Clinton to stamp out copyright piracy, street hawkers openly peddle counterfeit watches and T-shirts not far away.

70.   Guangdong has been targetted by foreign firms, especially those from the United States, as one of the centres of copyright piracy in China.

a. + piracy >>共 60
copyright 31.88%
chinese 11.56%
rampant 9.38%
video 7.50%
combat 3.75%
digital 3.44%
intellectual 2.81%
widespread 2.19%
alleged 1.88%
online 1.88%
copyright + n. >>共 164
law 21.32%
infringement 15.97%
protection 11.86%
piracy 5.99%
violation 5.75%
holder 4.46%
owner 2.52%
issue 2.29%
office 1.29%
agreement 1.00%
每页显示:    共 101