61.   Water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.

62.   The core of the prosecution case was composed of detailed confessions in which the three accused admitted participating in the rape.

63.   It also criticized the privatization commission responsible for the evaluations, which was composed of members nominated by the Finance Minister.

64.   The proposal to establish an upper legislative chamber composed of the Matai was rejected in the referendum.

65.   This group, so called because of the custom among its members of grease-painting their faces, was composed largely of non-commissioned officers.

66.   A National Policy Committee was established, composed of the six NPKC members, nine other officers and a civilian.

67.   The CDC was composed of one military officer, two former MPs and seven academics, the remainder being civil servants, lawyers and members of the NLA.

68.   This commission would be composed of mutually acceptable and appropriate international personalities and representatives from governments and international organizations.

69.   The Secretariat is composed of four full members and one alternate member.

70.   Although the Cabinet was composed of members of the ruling Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea, some members were thought to be close to the opposition.

v. + of >>共 1057
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of 82.23%
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