61.   Falling borrowing costs in the U.S. could enable Mexico to lower local interest rates, which may stimulate economic growth and boost company profits.

62.   Falling borrowing costs in the U.S. often allow the Bank of Mexico to lower local interest rates, which may stimulate economic growth and boost company profits.

63.   Falling fixed-income yields make stocks more attractive to many investors and lower borrowing costs can boost company profits.

64.   For now, the perception of rising company profits outweighed interest rate concerns, Rosenberg said, adding that he doubted share prices would be hurt next week.

65.   Fletcher forestry shares gained on news of log price increases in Japan and Korea, which may boost company profits.

66.   Forestry industry shares fell as a slump in wood pulp prices earlier this year hurt company profits.

67.   French stocks could fall in the next two weeks as investors sell exporters like Elf Aquitaine SA and Total SA amid concerns a lower dollar could hurt company profits.

68.   French stocks fell, dragged lower by concern about the outlook for company profits.

69.   Griffin said his company profits by delivering advertisements to users of the software.

70.   He listed low interest rates, low inflation, good company profits and positive market sentiment.

n. + profit >>共 343
company 13.23%
year 7.23%
third-quarter 6.68%
first-quarter 5.86%
fourth-quarter 5.74%
second-quarter 5.09%
drug 3.68%
bank 3.38%
quarter 2.78%
windfall 2.31%
company + n. >>共 743
official 17.10%
spokesman 7.04%
executive 6.67%
earnings 3.21%
spokeswoman 2.81%
stock 2.49%
profit 1.94%
president 1.68%
employee 1.57%
policy 1.49%
每页显示:    共 307