61.   MACC founder Elizondo, now the executive producer of Catholic Television of San Antonio, said the yearning for more systematic Bible study is a common complaint.

62.   Many of the symptoms of HGE overlap with symptoms of Lyme, including such common complaints as high fever, severe headache and muscle aches.

63.   Mothers share their most common complaints about husbands and kids and offer solutions.

64.   One common complaint is that such sites are so busy that newcomers frequently are turned away.

65.   Other common complaints included sprains, cuts, blisters, fractures and nausea.

66.   Pain and difficulty finding the capsules during the removal process are among the most common complaints about Norplant.

67.   Pickpocketing is the one of the most common complaints American travelers report to U.S. embassies and consulates abroad.

68.   Poor upkeep is a common complaint about Georgia cemeteries, too, although most of them do a good job.

69.   Routine violations often make the job of labor organizers easier because employees have common complaints against what they see as an unfair employer.

70.   Several years ago, he said, the common complaint was a mismatch between what appeared on the screen and what came out of the printer.

a. + complaint >>共 641
formal 9.92%
criminal 8.39%
similar 4.94%
official 4.03%
common 3.48%
public 2.20%
only 1.90%
biggest 1.88%
new 1.38%
main 1.35%
common + n. >>共 911
currency 3.44%
practice 3.14%
border 2.46%
problem 2.20%
cause 2.10%
criminal 1.77%
interest 1.72%
thread 1.54%
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complaint 1.03%
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