61.   These standard phrases constitute pretty much all Clinton has to say about his decision to commit troops to Kosovo as part of a NATO peacekeeping force.

62.   This has prompted criticism from Republicans that Clinton was exceeding the time limit he set for committing American troops to Bosnia and was not acknowledging it publicly.

63.   Those deaths left Congress reluctant to commit American troops to subsequent U.N. peacekeeping operations.

64.   Throughout the Gulf region, state-controlled newspapers appealed to the United States and its NATO allies to commit ground troops to stop Milosevic.

65.   To be sure, the decision of whether to commit troops is not going to be made by referendum, but by the president and Congress.

66.   Vietnam stayed the hand of a generation of American politicians who might otherwise have committed American troops to battle more quickly.

67.   Well, Mandela responded cautiously, Pretoria might commit some troops.

68.   While holding back from committing ground troops, they stepped up reconnaissance of the area.

69.   While President Hosni Mubarak has refused to commit Egyptian troops to the effort, he is reported to be sharing intelligence information.

70.   Other Muslim nations committing troops to different sectors include Egypt, Malaysia, Morocco and Jordan.

v. + troop >>共 445
send 12.67%
withdraw 8.49%
deploy 5.55%
pull 2.68%
have 2.57%
station 2.15%
contribute 2.04%
accuse 2.02%
mass 1.78%
commit 1.44%
commit + n. >>共 572
suicide 24.00%
crime 16.61%
murder 4.95%
act 3.20%
atrocity 3.01%
government 2.40%
perjury 2.30%
error 2.27%
turnover 2.23%
fraud 2.11%
troop 1.93%
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