61.   Israeli commandos stormed a HAMAS hideout near Jerusalem on the West Bank late Friday in the raid which left Waksman, a soldier and three Palestinian kidnappers dead.

62.   Earlier three people were killed and two police injured when commandos stormed a house in Roubaix.

63.   Earlier three people were killed and two police injured when crack commandos stormed a blazing house in Roubaix.

64.   Earlier three people were killed and two police injured when commandos stormed a house in Roubaix, near Lille in northern France.

65.   Fifty-six others were killed when Egyptian commandos stormed the aircraft in an effort to end the crisis.

66.   The plane was then flown to Marseille and the four hijackers were killed when French commandos stormed it.

67.   The raids in Roubaix began at dawn Friday when armed GIGN crack commandos stormed a house after coming under fire when they surrounded it.

68.   The report said the French commandos stormed the Rainbow Warrior II and smashed the windows on the bridge, where the doors were padlocked.

69.   They were captured alive after Israeli commandos stormed the bus near the Egyptian border while their two accomplices were killed on the spot.

70.   Three persons were killed and two police were injured when crack commandos stormed a blazing house after a gun battle here on Friday, authorities said.

n. + storm >>共 188
police 16.00%
troop 8.92%
force 6.61%
commando 6.53%
gunman 5.02%
soldier 4.30%
rebel 3.18%
man 2.31%
fan 2.31%
mob 2.07%
commando + v. >>共 225
storm 11.36%
be 6.37%
kill 4.02%
board 3.19%
enter 2.63%
capture 2.49%
take 2.08%
seize 1.66%
attack 1.39%
shoot 1.39%
每页显示:    共 82