61.   The Palmaz-Schatz stent, a wire mesh device used to prop open clogged arteries, paced the sales increase.

62.   The pressure that clears a clogged artery also leads the blood vessel to react as if it were injured.

63.   The proposal is to add genes near a clogged artery in the leg to get new blood vessels to grow around the blockage.

64.   The patients in the study were heart patients undergoing coronary care known as stenting, where tubes are used to prop open clogged arteries.

65.   They compared disease severity and survival among blacks and whites who later underwent bypass surgery or coronary angioplasty, a procedure that clears clogged arteries without opening the chest.

66.   These days, when someone undergoes angioplasty to scrape out gunk from clogged arteries, the endothelial lining gets scraped out, too.

67.   These help to restore blood flow to hearts with clogged arteries.

68.   They also know that all of the exercise on earth does not make one immune from clogged arteries.

69.   Two hours after arrival, my clogged arteries decided to quit working.

70.   While that may be a huge benefit in treating patients with clogged arteries and other circulatory problems, researchers wonder if there may also be unanticipated risks.

a. + artery >>共 173
blocked 14.55%
clogged 12.81%
main 8.73%
major 8.73%
carotid 8.27%
narrowed 2.44%
open 2.21%
key 1.63%
small 1.40%
mammary 1.28%
clogged + n. >>共 81
artery 37.04%
drain 7.74%
highway 4.04%
street 3.70%
road 3.70%
heart 2.36%
filter 2.02%
traffic 2.02%
freeway 1.68%
line 1.35%
每页显示:    共 109