61.   Many were college-educated and climbed corporate ladders.

62.   Mice were tested with their ability to climb a ladder strapped with three times their body weight.

63.   Muscular-skeletal problems, especially back and shoulder pain, are common among field and apple workers, who climb ladders and haul apple buckets.

64.   Naturally, this entails climbing a ladder to get up to the roof.

65.   On weekends this summer, he would climb a ladder to the third floor, with its view of Long Island Sound.

66.   Orthodox religious volunteers who scrupulously gather all the pieces of flesh for proper burial climbed ladders to search the roof and the high stone wall behind the bus stop.

67.   Or they are rapidly climbing the ladder in corporate board rooms.

68.   One by one they climbed the ladder and grabbed the scissors in one hand while the other held the net steady and then, they just snipped away.

69.   Over the next decade, he climbed the ladder at the union.

70.   Pablo, Unruh explained, tried to climb a ladder in their Kansas City loft.

v. + ladder >>共 100
climb 31.77%
use 10.68%
up 3.13%
scale 2.34%
lean 2.08%
have 1.82%
ascend 1.82%
carry 1.82%
grab 1.56%
get 1.56%
climb + n. >>共 225
stair 11.85%
mountain 10.38%
tree 9.99%
ladder 9.45%
hill 4.96%
wall 4.57%
step 3.95%
fence 3.64%
tower 1.70%
flight 1.39%
每页显示:    共 121