61.   The civil unions law, which Dean signed, grants to same-sex couples most of the same benefits and responsibilities of heterosexual couples who get married.

62.   The civil unions law was born among furious debate and political backlash here in a state normally known for its mellow tolerance.

63.   The election was dominated by the issue of civil unions, a marriage-like legal status the state Legislature created in response to a state Supreme Court ruling.

64.   The four other Democratic candidates support Vermont-style civil unions, which provide most of the legal benefits of marriage but are not recognized by other states.

65.   The Legislature passed the civil unions bill in response to a ruling by the state Supreme Court, despite calls from opponents for a referendum on the issue.

66.   The most heated opposition came from Assemblywoman Nancy Sheltra, who charged that granting civil unions would condone conduct that spreads AIDS and other diseases.

67.   The most divisive issue that Dean has had to deal with is civil unions.

68.   The names of both members of the civil union will go on the birth certificate, just as in the case of heterosexual parents.

69.   The primary was largely seen as a referendum on civil unions, with many challengers campaigning largely on the issue.

70.   The state of Vermont legalized gay civil unions, and even the CIA has established a caucus for gay employees.

a. + union >>共 630
monetary 23.07%
european 5.29%
civil 3.89%
new 2.88%
the 2.35%
local 2.25%
independent 1.81%
major 1.72%
political 1.52%
powerful 1.47%
civil + n. >>共 473
suit 9.17%
aviation 8.87%
lawsuit 7.21%
case 5.90%
unrest 5.11%
society 5.10%
trial 4.04%
court 3.63%
union 2.43%
strife 2.40%
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