61.   Feeder cattle futures fell on persistent concern that demand will wane as it becomes less profitable to raise the young animals to market weight.

62.   Feeder cattle futures rose amid strong demand.

63.   Feeder cattle futures rose as expectations that a bumper corn crop will keep feed costs low encouraged demand from feedlot operators.

64.   Feeder cattle futures fell amid expectations that a recent surge in corn prices will reduce feedlot demand for young animals.

65.   Feeder cattle futures fell as the price of corn jumped, making it more expensive for ranchers to fatten cattle to market-ready weights.

66.   Feeder cattle futures rose as lower feed costs raised competition for the young animals available to place into production.

67.   Feeder cattle futures sank amid concern that rising feed costs will decrease the profitability of raising the animals to slaughter-weight, dampening demand for the young cattle.

68.   Feeder cattle futures tumbled to a two-month low as strong grain prices force feedlots to reduce the number of young animals they buy.

69.   Feeder cattle futures rose as expectations for lower feed costs increased demand from feedlot operators looking for young animals to fatten for slaughter.

70.   Feeder cattle futures rose as expectations of lower feed costs increased demand for the young animals.

n. + future >>共 252
wheat 18.12%
soybean 14.05%
corn 12.79%
stock-index 6.97%
pork 4.44%
beef 3.74%
oil 3.32%
hog 3.30%
index 3.04%
cattle 2.89%
cattle + n. >>共 234
future 9.48%
ranch 6.47%
price 6.32%
rancher 6.18%
industry 4.17%
farmer 3.74%
herd 3.38%
drive 2.95%
car 2.87%
disease 2.66%
每页显示:    共 131