61.   The menacing charge carried a penalty of up to a year in jail.

62.   The rules would carry monetary penalties.

63.   The violations, if proven, could carry hefty penalties.

64.   The warning carries no penalty.

65.   Then there is the question of how such a law would be enforced, and what penalties it would carry.

66.   The various counts carry different penalties.

67.   They charged three men with illegally intercepting private communications, a charge that carries penalties of up to five years in prison.

68.   They face charges of official misconduct, which carry penalties of five to ten years in prison, prosecutors said.

69.   This penalty was carried out several times over the last several years, according to international news reports and Taliban radio and newspaper sources.

70.   Those charges usually carry a penalty of up to six months in jail.

v. + penalty >>共 362
impose 8.48%
face 5.66%
carry 4.68%
increase 4.04%
pay 3.91%
call 3.29%
kick 3.11%
convert 2.72%
take 2.72%
kill 2.54%
carry + n. >>共 1230
attack 2.62%
weapon 2.35%
gun 2.12%
weight 1.74%
risk 1.32%
message 1.01%
test 1.01%
sentence 0.93%
passenger 0.93%
report 0.86%
penalty 0.68%
每页显示:    共 181