61.   Van Rooyen went missing last March after a man he met at a games shop convinced him to carry some boxes to a train station.

62.   Virtually everyone wore a knapsack full of food or carried boxes of bottled water and blankets.

63.   Young boys drive donkey carts, carry boxes in sweatshops and stir vats of boiling syrup in candy factories.

64.   During that time officers carried boxes of documents to cars outside.

65.   US investigators assisted by police on Thursday raided the offices of the shelter, carrying out boxes of records and computers, according to media reports and sources here.

v. + box >>共 488
open 6.88%
carry 3.44%
use 3.23%
have 2.49%
check 2.22%
buy 2.06%
take 2.06%
make 1.80%
get 1.80%
find 1.64%
carry + n. >>共 1230
attack 2.62%
weapon 2.35%
gun 2.12%
weight 1.74%
risk 1.32%
message 1.01%
test 1.01%
sentence 0.93%
passenger 0.93%
report 0.86%
box 0.24%
每页显示:    共 65