61.   A woman who had been trying against medical advice to carry eight babies to live birth lost the last four fetuses she was carrying, her hospital said Wednesday.

62.   A woman who had been trying, against medical advice, to carry eight babies to live birth lost a fourth one Wednesday, her doctor said.

63.   All the way I just carried my baby in my arms and he was crying so hard that my heart was breaking.

64.   Another carried a baby on one arm and a folded stroller in the other.

65.   Apritac carriers, made from washable cloth, allows you to carry your baby in front or at the back.

66.   But they changed their minds after a militant anti-abortion group, Youth Defense, offered financial help if she carried the baby to full term.

67.   Doctors said it is one of few known cases in the United States in which a comatose woman was able to carry a baby to full term.

68.   How about those who carry babies when seated in the front seat?

69.   Imaculee Sabimana, carrying a baby on her back, said she was running from soldiers who often searched their homes for Hutu militiamen.

70.   Instead, five minutes later, he came upon a policeman carrying a baby up from the smoking ruins of a federal building ravaged by a car bomb explosion.

v. + baby >>共 483
have 17.77%
deliver 5.48%
take 3.45%
carry 2.81%
hold 2.67%
expect 2.45%
find 2.09%
kill 2.00%
kiss 1.72%
adopt 1.67%
carry + n. >>共 1230
attack 2.62%
weapon 2.35%
gun 2.12%
weight 1.74%
risk 1.32%
message 1.01%
test 1.01%
sentence 0.93%
passenger 0.93%
report 0.86%
baby 0.38%
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