61.   Prime Minister Kamal al-Ganzuri has brought in stiffer penalties for anyone found responsible for a building collapse.

62.   Prime Minister Kamal al-Ganzuri has toughened the penalties for anyone found to be responsible for a building collapse.

63.   Russian space officials said neither shoddy maintenance nor a terrorist attack was a possible cause for the building collapse.

64.   Structural defects linked to the use of sub-standard materials are frequently blamed for building collapses in Nigeria.

a. + collapse >>共 333
soviet 15.41%
economic 13.30%
financial 7.07%
total 4.49%
building 3.38%
sudden 2.16%
imminent 1.90%
complete 1.79%
possible 1.74%
recent 1.74%
building + n. >>共 1002
material 7.96%
permit 3.71%
code 3.41%
site 3.22%
project 2.85%
owner 2.44%
boom 2.02%
contractor 1.84%
industry 1.43%
inspector 1.41%
collapse 1.05%
每页显示:    共 64