61.   When building a dam is the only way to grow crops, is the prospect of a new mosquito-borne illness more daunting than of famine?

62.   Wolfensohn has moved the institution away from grand projects like building hydroelectric dams and toward education programs and credit assistance to people starting small businesses.

63.   Wolfensohn has moved the institution away from grand projects like building hydroelectric dams and toward education programs and credit assistance to women and other people starting small businesses.

64.   Politicians want to build the dam to show to their urban constituents.

65.   A northern Philippine tribe has threatened to resume headhunting if a dam is built on its ancestral lands, reports said Monday.

66.   After that, governments will spend up to two years on a new treaty for building a dam, which must then be ratified by their parliaments.

67.   As an additional defense, rescue workers and residents hurried Friday to build circular dams around three villages on the other side of the second dike.

68.   At his last base, in the northern Cambodian town of Anlong Veng, Ta Mok pursued economic development, building dams and setting up agricultural projects.

69.   Building the dam itself, however, will require skilled labor using heavy machinery, project engineers say.

70.   Chinese plans to build dams have rankled its ASEAN neighbors, who claim that altering the flow of the Mekong could cause untold environmental damage.

v. + dam >>共 143
build 28.37%
breach 5.95%
remove 5.36%
operate 2.18%
construct 2.18%
prevent 2.18%
use 2.18%
burst 1.59%
open 1.19%
complete 1.19%
build + n. >>共 855
house 3.56%
plant 2.64%
home 2.24%
support 1.45%
bridge 1.41%
stadium 1.41%
case 1.36%
reputation 1.36%
road 1.35%
team 1.14%
dam 0.71%
每页显示:    共 142