61.   British troops in armored vehicles patrolled the streets of Banja Luka Friday night in an effort to prevent Karadzic supporters from detaining Ms. Plavsic.

62.   British troops in full combat uniform, holding automatic rifles at the ready, guarded the street.

63.   British troops invaded Washington, D.C., and set fire to the White House, the Capitol and other public buildings.

64.   British troops near Kosovo were put on alert and US Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott turned his plane around to return to Moscow for urgent talks.

65.   British troops opened fire and killed a gunman in Lipljan, just south of Pristina Tuesday.

66.   British troops were ordered onto the streets late on Monday after a weekend of violence culminated in the killings of Mahood and Coulter.

67.   British peacekeeping troops shot two Kosovo Albanians dead Friday night, one of them a well-known Kosovo Liberation Army soldier.

68.   British troops have made the bulk of arrests.

69.   British troops patrolling the high ground beside the road just before the explosion stopped the men because they were behaving suspiciously, Taylor said.

70.   British troops who guard the border were on the scene within minutes and evacuated the injured to a nearby military hospital.

a. + troop >>共 411
israeli 21.21%
russian 13.37%
american 4.83%
french 2.63%
indian 2.58%
british 2.51%
foreign 2.38%
peacekeeping 2.19%
turkish 1.75%
iraqi 1.69%
british + n. >>共 891
government 5.97%
official 2.97%
colony 2.58%
troop 2.21%
soldier 2.13%
beef 2.11%
rule 1.72%
company 1.56%
newspaper 1.26%
authority 1.21%
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