61.   But as far as the reader can tell, Carcaterra had nothing to do with blowing the whistle on the corruption.

62.   But before Johnson could take his turn to try to eliminate Threatt, coach Del Harris blew his whistle.

63.   But instead of blowing a whistle and barking his final commands, Pucci hugged and kissed the men and women as they left.

64.   But Paul Stewart, one of two referees, waved it off because he had blown the whistle, apparently thinking the goalie had covered the puck.

65.   But referee Terry Gregson had blown his whistle thinking Moog had covered the puck.

66.   But should the new AOL or its coming rivals squelch that kid, who will blow the whistle?

67.   But one of the officials had blown the whistle and the shot was waved off.

68.   But the fund has received some criticism in recent months for not blowing the whistle on some Enron practices it found troubling.

69.   But since the big budgets and the handsome life styles of everyone concerned depended on keeping up the pretense, nobody blew the whistle.

70.   But the IMF is hesitant to blow the whistle on countries that appear headed for trouble, for fear of causing a crisis.

v. + whistle >>共 65
blow 70.98%
hear 5.69%
draw 1.76%
use 1.57%
wet 0.98%
swallow 0.98%
have 0.98%
shrill 0.78%
keep 0.78%
get 0.78%
blow + n. >>共 709
whistle 9.61%
window 5.58%
kiss 5.34%
chance 2.73%
lead 2.47%
nose 2.34%
horn 2.31%
smoke 2.04%
hole 1.91%
roof 1.70%
每页显示:    共 360