61.   Not only has the amount of knowledge greatly increased but access to that knowledge is also becoming available to almost everyone.

62.   The channel will become available to parts of Europe starting on Monday.

63.   The money could become available to the Colombian government later this year.

64.   The new station has attracted considerable interest because it is rare that free-to-air properties become available to the private sector.

65.   This is the first year that RRS became widely available to US farmers.

66.   When Burma was a colony the British built a number of very good layouts and these have since become available to the public.

67.   Nunn and other committee members warned that weapons of mass destruction are becoming increasingly available to fanatic leaders following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

68.   Nunn and other committee members warned with that weapons of mass destruction are becoming increasingly available to fanatic leaders following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

v. + available + to >>共 10
be 64.63%
make 32.05%
become 2.43%
remain 0.43%
break 0.14%
have 0.11%
leave 0.11%
discover 0.04%
keep 0.04%
want 0.04%
become + available + p. >>共 26
in 26.27%
to 21.52%
for 18.67%
at 4.75%
after 4.43%
on 4.43%
from 3.80%
through 1.90%
within 1.90%
as 1.58%
每页显示:    共 68