61.   Gas stations were dry along much of the Atlantic Coast, and irritation was increasing in neighboring countries.

62.   Gas stations were dry along much of the Atlantic Coast, and irritation was increasing in neighboring European countries.

63.   Hitherto, while industry was moving along the growth path, the new issue market intriguingly failed to move in tow.

64.   In the West, Colorado could get some snow while rain was possible along the coasts of Washington and Oregon.

65.   It was foggy along parts of the West Coast, but the rest of the region was mostly dry.

66.   It was en route along the Trans-Canada Highway to Halifax, but got off on a ramp leading to Fredericton.

67.   Most places are located along the beach in Pangandaran, and the range of prices depends on the season and amenities.

68.   Other regions affected are those along the borders with Nigeria and Mali, Hankouraou said.

69.   Scattered freezing rain fell across the northern Plains, and light snow was possible along the western slopes of the Rockies.

70.   Smuggling is rampant along the border, part of it disputed.

v. + along >>共 1285
pass 9.50%
bring 6.09%
take 3.13%
sing 1.90%
divide 1.84%
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send 1.75%
live 1.61%
help 1.55%
deploy 1.47%
be 0.89%
be + p. >>共 83
in 38.86%
for 12.65%
on 9.80%
at 8.82%
with 3.64%
by 3.25%
among 2.97%
to 2.73%
of 1.92%
during 1.36%
along 0.21%
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