61.   But the assisted suicide cases are bound to be the centerpiece of the new term.

62.   But proponents of assisted suicide say the opposition has used scare tactics to undermine an issue of personal choice.

63.   But the issue remains a contentious one and proposals to legalize assisted suicide are pending in Maine and Hawaii.

64.   But the two split, as does the medical community at large, on whether there is ever a justification for assisted suicide.

65.   But the new prosecutor made it clear that making Michigan free for assisted suicide was exactly what he did not want.

66.   But what troubles many of those who oppose assisted suicide is not Quill, but doctors who might be less able or willing to protect patients.

67.   By now, most of the world knows that Kevorkian went on to focus his contempt for medical and ethical conventions on the technology and practice of assisted suicide.

68.   By default, then, euthanasia and assisted suicide could become liberal causes.

69.   Cardinal Bernard Law, representing the National Conference of Bishops, Wednesday denounced a federal appellate decision to strike down a state ban on assisted suicide.

70.   Cases involving assisted suicide rarely result in criminal prosecution, and it is even more unusual for a person to go to jail.

a. + suicide >>共 371
palestinian 13.46%
assisted 12.28%
mass 5.42%
physician-assisted 4.89%
apparent 4.33%
attempted 3.74%
committed 3.68%
recent 2.80%
deadly 2.62%
doctor-assisted 2.62%
assisted + n. >>共 57
suicide 68.59%
living 8.39%
facility 3.95%
reproduction 3.13%
center 1.64%
technology 1.48%
death 0.99%
development 0.49%
housing 0.49%
company 0.49%
每页显示:    共 415