61.   Dozens of armored personnel carriers surrounded the protesters and beamed bright spotlights on them.

62.   Even Vedeno, which until three days ago was the Chechen rebel command post, was patrolled nonchalantly on Tuesday by Russian soldiers in trucks and armored personnel carriers.

63.   Eventually, two tanks, three armored personnel carriers and a truck arrived.

64.   Even though offices had reopened, security was still tight, with soldiers from the National Guard in armored personnel carriers on the streets.

65.   Evidence of those fears surrounded the courthouse where Saeed was transported in an armored personnel vehicle.

66.   Five Israeli soldiers were later killed in an accident when their armored personnel carrier overturned on a West Bank road near Hebron, the army said.

67.   France and Germany are to build an armored personnel carrier together, and those two nations plus the Netherlands and Italy are collaborating on developing a military helicopter.

68.   From the windows of his office in downtown Abidjan, Robert DeWolfe watched as soldiers, accompanied by armored personnel carriers, patrolled the street.

69.   General Dynamics hopes to sell armored personnel vehicles to police departments.

70.   From the back of the armored personnel carrier he said he was shooting because Albanians had broken into his home.

a. + personnel >>共 608
military 24.28%
armored 22.14%
medical 7.19%
armoured 3.12%
emergency 2.50%
american 1.85%
navy 1.23%
russian 1.14%
key 1.14%
trained 0.91%
armored + n. >>共 131
vehicle 35.75%
personnel 32.37%
car 12.45%
truck 2.16%
column 1.47%
unit 1.28%
police 1.09%
patrol 0.96%
bulldozer 0.87%
carrier 0.85%
每页显示:    共 1179