61.   Amnesty International has urged the Nigerian military government to release immediately all prisoners of conscience and end what it called arbitrary detentions.

62.   Amnesty listed several incidents of arbitrary detention, torture and murder which it said were committed or ordered by people employed by the government.

63.   Echoing frustrations expressed by the UN team monitoring arbitrary detentions, the human rights group said its recommendations had been blatently ignored by Hanoi.

64.   The move came a day after human rights group Amnesty International criticised the government plan, which has been described as a blueprint for indefinite arbitrary detention.

65.   The report spoke of torture, rape, arbitrary detention and disappearances.

66.   Torture, summary execution, arbitrary detention and other human rights abuses are continuing in Zaire, where ethnic fighting raged Saturday, a UN special rapporteur said here.

67.   It alleges widespread use of torture, arbitrary detention, inadequate or repressive legislation and summary trials against political dissidents and members of religious and ethnic minority groups.

68.   It urged Khartoum to abolish the use of torture and arbitrary detention, to guarantee basic human rights and lift the ban on political parties.

69.   Refugee Concern lawyer Rob Brook describes the new law as a bluepirnt for arbitrary indefinite detention.

70.   Talmas said the association wanted the legislative council to adopt formal legislation protecting the media from arbitrary detention and abuse by the security services.

a. + detention >>共 234
juvenile 11.86%
indefinite 9.11%
arbitrary 5.05%
administrative 4.72%
illegal 4.13%
continued 4.06%
home 4.00%
federal 3.60%
pretrial 2.42%
pre-trial 2.29%
arbitrary + n. >>共 202
arrest 25.50%
detention 11.03%
power 3.87%
rule 2.87%
execution 2.44%
decision 2.01%
nature 2.01%
killing 2.01%
way 1.29%
deadline 1.29%
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