61.   The House approved its version last month.

62.   The House approved its version of the oil deregulation law on the last day of a three-day special session called for by President Fidel Ramos.

63.   The House passed the bill Tuesday by voice vote and sent it back to the Senate, where a slightly different version was approved earlier this month.

64.   The House Ways and Means and Senate Finance committees approved separate versions of the relief package Thursday, but without earmarking any offsetting savings.

65.   The next step is for senators to try crafting a compromise with the House, which approved its version two weeks ago.

66.   The Senate version was approved by the Judiciary Committee in September and could reach the Senate floor in April, Feinstein said.

67.   The Senate approved its version of the war bonds legislation last month as an amendment to the annual Treasury Department spending bill.

68.   But city recorder Kendrick Cowley has refused to approve several versions of the petition for distrubition.

v. + version >>共 493
pass 5.40%
offer 4.78%
have 3.29%
approve 2.60%
release 2.56%
use 2.53%
develop 2.49%
give 2.33%
produce 2.26%
introduce 2.14%
approve + n. >>共 673
plan 6.67%
bill 5.83%
deal 4.40%
measure 3.74%
legislation 2.90%
merger 2.56%
proposal 2.19%
resolution 2.10%
agreement 2.07%
sale 2.00%
version 0.46%
每页显示:    共 68