61.   The appeals court ruling is only a brief victory for all those who care about preserving the wild lands we have left in our nation.

62.   The appeals court ruling said the state had offered no evidence that it had discriminated in the past against women and minority groups.

63.   The appeals court ruling stops Avant!

64.   The appeals court ruling, however, serves as a binding precedent only on lower federal courts within its jurisdiction, in four New England states and Puerto Rico.

65.   The appeals court ruling, the company says, opens businesses to the threat of lawsuits for years-old violations that have long since been corrected.

66.   The appeals court ruling probably will come before Jackson issues a final ruling.

67.   The appeals court ruling, the government says, forces workers to choose between labor and antitrust laws, when they should be covered by both.

68.   The appeals court ruling does not affect state and local laws governing tobacco sales, use or marketing.

69.   The appeals court ruling Friday, however, rejected that argument.

70.   The appeals court ruling opened the way for prolonged legal wranglings over the value of the presidential materials.

n. + ruling >>共 224
court 65.09%
appeal 8.09%
landmark 2.32%
lower-court 1.55%
government 1.29%
party 1.12%
arbitration 1.08%
tax 0.95%
commission 0.90%
panel 0.82%
appeal + n. >>共 175
court 65.36%
process 7.09%
panel 4.32%
judge 4.27%
ruling 3.44%
decision 2.34%
hearing 2.22%
board 0.71%
procedure 0.70%
committee 0.60%
每页显示:    共 187