61.   Consumers are in a poor position to evaluate complicated appeals processes before they actually join a plan and try it out firsthand.

62.   Despite the arguments likely to be advanced in the dueling briefs, a deal that would short-circuit the trial and avoid a lengthy appeals process remains a viable option.

63.   Defense lawyers said Wednesday that they would ask the European court to order an immediate halt in the Turkish appeal process.

64.   During the appeals process the Justice Department might be forced to lift its gag order on McVeigh, which prevents him from giving interviews to the media.

65.   Eighteen percent were given the death penalty on retrial but many of these had their convictions overturned again in the appeals process.

66.   EPK said it had no choice but to cancel and had no obligation to outline the appeal process.

67.   --Establish an appeals process to dispute such audit findings.

68.   Even if it is before the weekend, you know and I know there would be an appeal process.

69.   Even then, Florida officials have some major concerns about security and stalling their own appeals process if they relinquish Rogers, Douglass said.

70.   Even when they do, the appeals process takes time, no matter how impatient the supporters of capital punishment become.

n. + process >>共 614
peace 53.12%
selection 3.08%
appeal 2.05%
approval 1.32%
impeachment 1.27%
review 1.20%
election 1.18%
production 1.08%
application 0.94%
budget 0.82%
appeal + n. >>共 175
court 65.36%
process 7.09%
panel 4.32%
judge 4.27%
ruling 3.44%
decision 2.34%
hearing 2.22%
board 0.71%
procedure 0.70%
committee 0.60%
每页显示:    共 385