61.   Now that the amendment has passed it is immediate and retroactive.

62.   The amendments had passed a first reading but bogged down in subsequent negotiations.

63.   The amendment must pass a second vote by the full Congress to become law.

64.   The amendments passed the lower chamber of parliament on Thursday.

65.   The Prime Minister also requested the President sign into law the constitutional amendment passed Tuesday to create the machinery for a caretaker government.

66.   The Prime Minister also requested the President to sign into law the constitutional amendment passed Tuesday to create the machinery for a caretaker government.

67.   While his ruling Pakistan Muslim League controls a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly, it does not have the Senate votes to pass the amendment.

68.   If the amendment passes, bail would be denied for transshipment of drugs, car theft, murder carkjacking, rape, child molestation.

69.   If the amendment passes, bail would be denied for transshipment of drugs, car theft, murder, carkjacking, rape, and child molestation.

70.   Deputies had been expected to vote on it overnight, but after the two amendments passed, the parliamentary speaker suspended the session until Wednesday.

n. + pass >>共 1728
bill 5.66%
time 4.40%
parliament 3.92%
deadline 3.07%
measure 2.63%
year 2.19%
state 2.00%
day 1.90%
government 1.70%
legislation 1.39%
amendment 0.73%
amendment + v. >>共 322
be 19.54%
require 4.96%
allow 4.60%
pass 4.30%
make 3.15%
have 2.48%
fail 2.36%
give 2.12%
go 1.81%
need 1.15%
每页显示:    共 71