61.   Germany and the United States seldom disagree openly, and Bonn seems especially upset that Washington is airing this grievance in public.

62.   He spent several hours airing his grievances.

63.   In response to the Israeli moves, Arafat has invited foreign diplomats to the Gaza Strip on Saturday to air his grievances.

64.   In such talks, both parties could raise any issue and air their grievances.

65.   In response to the Israeli moves, Arafat invited foreign diplomats to the Gaza Strip on Saturday to air his grievances against Israel.

66.   Kamaruzzaman said the service would provide the public with an opportunity to air their grievances.

67.   Loebby and Salim said police should not ban protesters from going onto the streets to air their grievances, provided they did so peacefully.

68.   Mindful of the national stage he commanded, Davis planned a news conference to air his grievances.

69.   Meanwhile, representatives of the affected workers met with Cuepacs and Public Service Department officials yesterday to air their grievances.

70.   Other grouses ranged from having a separate channel for north Indians to providing an avenue, like a hotline, where subscribers could air their grievances.

v. + grievance >>共 120
file 29.42%
air 13.41%
address 5.79%
have 5.03%
hear 3.66%
take 3.51%
discuss 2.74%
redress 2.13%
settle 1.83%
withdraw 1.37%
air + n. >>共 376
ad 6.70%
grievance 5.17%
view 4.70%
commercial 3.76%
show 3.35%
footage 3.06%
program 2.35%
interview 2.18%
report 1.88%
complaint 1.88%
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