61.   The procedural device of stopping the clock has been used during argument about the setting of subsidies for agricultural produce, for example.

62.   The system permits the exoneration of customs duties on products, with the exception of agricultural produce, imported from developing countries.

63.   The Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade introduced new rules liberalising trade in agricultural produce.

64.   Only those trucks carrying agricultural produce, cement and oil derivatives bound for the Palestinian self-rule areas will be exempted.

65.   Over the years it branched out from specialising in the vetting of agricultural produce to take in minerals, consumer goods and the oil industry.

66.   Prince Charles looked at ecologically sound agricultural produce and studied heritage projects Wednesday as part of a tour of Germany.

67.   Shaath said the loan would go to the private sector, via Palestinian banks, to develop tourism and exports such as clothing, flowers and agricultural produce.

68.   The grant will fund an anti-pollution project at the Red Sea resort of Aqaba, purchases of Japanese agricultural produce and advanced television equipment.

a. + produce >>共 241
fresh 18.02%
agricultural 9.50%
organic 8.38%
local 5.73%
grown 1.82%
mexican 1.26%
imported 1.26%
dairy 1.12%
foreign 1.12%
domestic 1.12%
agricultural + n. >>共 586
product 9.90%
land 4.29%
sector 4.10%
production 3.77%
subsidy 2.27%
export 2.10%
worker 1.75%
cooperative 1.73%
goods 1.69%
development 1.67%
produce 1.40%
每页显示:    共 68