61.   On Friday, Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov ordered all Chechen ministers and agency heads to return from Moscow and halted all flights from Chechnya to the Russian capital.

62.   Speakers complained of the U.N. debt and proposals of some agency heads to reduce staff without negotiating with employee associations.

63.   Speakers complained about the U.N. debt and the proposals of some agency heads to reduce staff without negotiating with employee associations.

64.   The age requirements could be a major problem, said Gustafson, the California agency head.

65.   The Council of State Governments brings together state leaders, legislators and agency heads.

66.   The department or agency head may delegate this power of review and approval consistent with applicable law.

67.   The department or agency head may delegate this power of review and approval to any other person so appointed by the president, consistent with applicable law.

68.   The only acceptable use of cookies is in case of compelling need and with the approval of the agency head.

69.   The only time agencies are supposed to be able to use such software is when there is a compelling need and agency heads say it is OK.

70.   The space agency heads agreed on a schedule for future meetings and on holding a scientific conference on the project somewhere in Europe, at an unspecified date.

n. + head >>共 735
deputy 9.49%
department 8.13%
agency 3.06%
shower 2.21%
studio 2.09%
division 1.66%
delegation 1.66%
government 1.55%
sprinkler 1.39%
shaven 1.39%
agency + n. >>共 490
official 25.00%
spokesman 6.79%
spokeswoman 2.95%
head 2.71%
company 2.47%
employee 2.19%
worker 2.06%
executive 1.92%
report 1.92%
chief 1.13%
每页显示:    共 79