61.   The Clinton administration intends to move quickly in concert with European allies to remove the economic handcuffs placed on Yugoslavia to punish ousted President Slobodan Milosevic.

62.   The official, who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity, said the Clinton administration intends to keep the issue from being swept under the rug.

63.   There is no indication the administration intends to go that far but its strategy, beyond the prospective appointment of a special envoy for Sudan, is unclear.

64.   U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry said Monday the Clinton administration does not intend to speed up troop withdrawal.

65.   He and Ivanov will discuss a framework to replace the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty which the Bush administration intends to ditch.

66.   The US president said his administration intended to take tougher action with power plants to reduce smog and mercury emissions, and to curb acid rain.

n. + intend >>共 801
government 9.45%
company 8.37%
group 3.29%
administration 2.31%
official 1.82%
president 1.47%
party 1.09%
bank 0.98%
team 0.91%
authority 0.88%
administration + v. >>共 791
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have 3.46%
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try 1.81%
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