61.   The treatment concentrates on active involvement of the child to improve control of movement.

62.   There is no day that passes without a Middle Eastern leader reminding the U.S. that the attainment of peace in the region depends on its active involvement and resolve.

63.   Young, attractive and successful, they had an active involvement in the local community and a lifestyle that looks beyond their means.

64.   Her stand-by, Leopold Eyharts, was decorated with the Order of Friendship for active involvement in preparing for the space flight.

65.   But the Russian-backed opposition categorically denied any active Russian involvement.

66.   The Russian-backed opposition categorically denied any active Russian involvement.

67.   PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat was due to meet Friday with Turkish Prime Minister Tansu Ciller and President Suleiman Demirel to press for active Turkish involvement in Palestinian self-rule.

68.   Shah said there was no active FBI involvement and the arrests were carried out by the Punjab provincial police.

69.   Since Philips announced its withdrawal from active involvement in the company, the IG Metall trade union had pressed for the removal of Van der Wal.

70.   The introduction of US helicopters with night-vision capabilities, was the first announced active involvement of the United States in the search.

a. + involvement >>共 425
alleged 11.00%
military 7.35%
direct 6.29%
american 4.13%
possible 3.22%
greater 3.19%
parental 2.97%
active 2.26%
foreign 2.16%
personal 1.81%
active + n. >>共 1143
role 11.89%
duty 5.42%
ingredient 3.02%
stock 2.66%
roster 2.46%
member 2.45%
player 2.13%
part 1.69%
participant 1.51%
life 1.48%
involvement 1.06%
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