61.   According to press reports, Paeng, a contender for one of the top five Army positions in the October reshuffle, was targeted for having accumulated unusual wealth.

62.   According to press reports, the police have few leads and suspect the operation was carried out by the Third Command, a Rio drug gang.

63.   According to press reports, Abdullah told his guests one reason he launched his initiative was television images he had seen of Palestinians confronting Israelis.

64.   According to press reports, Ferguson suggested Forest might not be as committed in the league game because of the exhibition match that follows.

65.   According to press reports, his birthday gift from his father is a VW Golf.

66.   According to press reports, the agents have been in Uganda for several weeks.

67.   According to press reports, the original bill will be tabled at the Provisional Legislative Council.

68.   Actually, auction buyers paid greater attention to the town plots than the two parcels of farmland, according to press accounts.

69.   According to press speculation Al Rifai, who is a former prime minister, would headthe next government in a major cabinet reshuffle.

70.   Asahara has been directly implicated by his followers in the subway attack, according to press reports.

v. + press >>共 64
accord 57.73%
call 4.42%
use 3.79%
be 2.84%
respond 2.21%
become 2.21%
demonstrate 1.26%
according 0.95%
ignore 0.95%
impose 0.95%
accord + v. >>共 228
press 20.31%
police 12.54%
plan 10.54%
state 3.11%
people 3.00%
witness 2.00%
coach 1.89%
form 1.66%
interfax 1.33%
rescue 1.22%
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