51.   The following years have brought more milestones, many of them American.

52.   The fourth year brought a white latticed fence, cobblestone bed edgings and a side wildflower garden filled with bulbs, ferns and native plants.

53.   The first years of business brought great rewards for both Wang and the Keng family.

54.   The industry says the last few years have brought far more than the usual run of hurricanes, tornadoes, hailstorms and flooding rains.

55.   The intervening years have brought about a much better relationship between the two singers, she adds.

56.   The intervening years have brought some remarkable changes, and lots more to occupy the traveler.

57.   The last few years have brought a significant, if tentative, coming-out for homosexuals in urban China.

58.   The last few years have brought three new biographies.

59.   The last few years have brought many changes to trucks, and, this year, manufacturers are adding even more.

60.   The last year has brought change for Breault.

n. + bring >>共 1617
day 0.98%
government 0.95%
people 0.83%
company 0.82%
year 0.78%
team 0.66%
change 0.61%
police 0.58%
system 0.57%
election 0.56%
year + v. >>共 779
be 33.44%
go 4.17%
pass 3.73%
see 3.72%
come 2.79%
bring 2.10%
begin 1.75%
have 1.40%
end 1.30%
make 1.24%
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