51.   Lebanon and Malaysia on Tuesday agreed to establish full diplomatic ties and are working to increase economic cooperation, a government official said.

52.   New Jersey and Israel, which already have strong economic ties, are working to increase joint business ventures.

53.   Sweden also will work to increase European security by continuing its work with Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, he said.

54.   The agreement signed by El-Ganzoury and Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong of Singapore says the governments will work to increase investments and technical cooperation between their countries.

55.   The presidents of Egypt and Algeria set up a committee Sunday to work to increase economic and military cooperation, Information Minister Safwat el-Sherif announced.

56.   Washington apple industry officials concerned about flagging apple sales in Japan are working to increase interest in the fruit.

57.   Ashe worked to increase minority involvement with his sport.

58.   Labour and Social Security Minister Eli Yishai said Thursday he would work to increase the minimum wage in both the public and private sectors.

59.   Kohl, speaking to the Bundestag, also stood by his commitment to work to increase cooperation on internal and security policy in the European Union.

60.   Nelson repeated his pledge that Britain would work to increase trade and investment in South Africa and would promote easier South African access to European Union markets.

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do 5.82%
act 2.53%
say 1.77%
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add 1.27%
be 1.27%
work + v. >>共 921
improve 3.71%
get 3.15%
make 3.09%
keep 2.48%
help 2.09%
develop 1.96%
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