51.   Government witnesses have testified in several drug trials that U.S. officials took payoffs from smugglers who brought cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine across the Mexico border.

52.   Harris said witnesses could testify that the print likely came from Kunze, but not that he positively left it.

53.   He has even supplied answers, when he thought witnesses had already testified at length on the topic.

54.   He struck the deli owner in the leg, witnesses testified.

55.   He took Ritalin and antidepressants to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and he was preoccupied with business, several witnesses testified.

56.   Her son was first taken to the club by his Fort Campbell roommate, Fisher, who, witnesses testified, later spread rumors that Winchell was gay.

57.   In a trial that lasted five months, more than a hundred witnesses testified or were deposed.

58.   In addition, Hyde has scheduled a hearing Tuesday in which individuals convicted of perjury and other witnesses will testify about the consequences of lying under oath.

59.   In the welter of harassment and epithets, several witnesses testified, a few soldiers complained of homophobic denunciations of Winchell by ranking superiors.

60.   Indeed, at one point, Suffolk County investigators had targeted Jesus Carrasquillocq, a reputed gang member who witnesses testified had bragged of killing McLaughlin.

n. + testify >>共 436
witness 19.08%
expert 5.26%
official 4.61%
officer 3.56%
doctor 2.70%
woman 2.70%
agent 2.55%
psychiatrist 1.75%
victim 1.75%
president 1.45%
witness + v. >>共 206
say 59.89%
tell 5.86%
be 4.71%
report 4.23%
testify 3.46%
see 2.34%
describe 1.60%
identify 0.96%
give 0.85%
come 0.77%
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