51.   They come out of the soil when the plant is being watered and then disappear when the flood subsides.

52.   They will water plants, open and close draperies, turn on lights and keep homes looking lived in.

53.   To water the plants and minimize runoff, they created a series of minidams or berms.

54.   Voyeurs around the world can watch people brushing their teeth, watering their plants, getting married and having sex.

55.   Water all plants deeply before spraying for insect control, as this may further stress the plants.

56.   Water these plants every week until the ground freezes.

57.   When he opened the door to help his wife water some plants, his dog, Sandy, scooted past and headed down the street.

58.   When plants are watered, they bloom.

59.   You also will need to water any plant that goes in the bed until it is established.

v. + plant >>共 810
build 9.77%
close 6.41%
have 4.09%
operate 2.33%
sell 2.19%
use 1.80%
grow 1.67%
buy 1.32%
water 1.32%
run 1.14%
water + n. >>共 202
plant 16.55%
lawn 7.36%
garden 4.14%
tree 3.45%
flower 2.07%
green 1.61%
crop 1.38%
field 1.38%
grass 1.38%
quality 1.15%
每页显示:    共 72