51.   It can also be a difficult place to raise kids, receive packages, balance your checkbook or even wash clothes.

52.   Kasarachi would help the children undress and bathe and wash their clothes.

53.   Men are washing clothes and doing dishes more often, but the chore that saw the greatest increase in interest from men is outdoor cooking.

54.   My mom washes my clothes.

55.   On Saturdays, men fill two neighborhood laundromats, washing clothes that, back home, their wives would scrub by hand.

56.   Outside, in the Cuxa Cloister, you can almost see the monks washing their clothes at the fountain.

57.   Over there she had to do her bed and wash her clothes.

58.   People come to clean and to wash my clothes.

59.   Remember that, and do not use the water hazards for bathing or washing your clothes.

60.   Shake them out of the clothes, wash the clothes and forget about them.

v. + clothes >>共 442
wear 18.78%
buy 6.16%
wash 5.31%
change 4.61%
make 3.66%
sell 2.99%
take 2.78%
have 2.29%
remove 1.72%
design 1.41%
wash + n. >>共 430
hand 21.28%
dish 8.39%
clothes 7.37%
car 6.88%
hair 4.20%
face 2.54%
window 2.29%
body 1.56%
blood 1.22%
wall 1.12%
每页显示:    共 150