51.   Bosnian Serb Prime Minister Gojko Klickovic failed to show up Thursday for talks on the release of prisoners and exhumations of war dead, an international official said here.

52.   Beijing flew into a rage last October when Hashimoto visited the Yasukuni shrine, which honours Japanese war dead including convicted war criminals.

53.   The shrine, dedicated to the Japanese war dead including hanged class-A war criminals, holds major festivals twice a year in spring and autumn.

54.   Kohl held talks with President Le Duc Anh and laid a wreath at the Martyrs Memorial that commemorates the three million war dead in Vietnam.

55.   Koizumi made matters worse in August by visiting a controversial shrine in Tokyo, dedicated to the Japanese war dead, including convicted and executed war criminals.

56.   Last year, nine ministers visited the shrine for the war dead, who include convicted war criminals.

57.   One group called Veterans Initiative is helping Vietnamese locate their war dead, digging up mass graves and turning over the remains and keepsakes to their families.

58.   The event included a memorial service for the war dead, speeches by politicians, as well as a ceremony to commemorate the end of the war.

59.   The event will include a memorial service for war dead, speeches by politicians, as well as a ceremony to commemorate the end of the war.

n. + dead >>共 187
people 26.16%
war 6.68%
two 5.89%
three 5.10%
brain 4.76%
man 3.51%
four 2.94%
soldier 2.49%
five 2.15%
civilian 1.59%
war + n. >>共 664
zone 12.11%
effort 7.06%
veteran 6.49%
hero 4.14%
plane 2.73%
story 2.39%
victim 2.23%
year 2.18%
front 1.93%
prisoner 1.87%
dead 1.05%
每页显示:    共 59