51.   Vietnamese leaders have waged a high-profile publicity campaign against rice shipments to China, where the grain fetches higher prices than in Vietnam.

52.   Vietnamese leaders Wednesday hailed U.S. recognition as the start of a new, equal relationship and pledged strong cooperation in clarifying the fates of Americans missing from the war.

53.   Vietnamese leaders welcomed the prospects for greater cooperation between the two nations but were cool to his measured call for greater freedoms.

54.   Vietnamese leaders have repeatedly postponed the targeted opening date of its first stock market.

55.   Vietnamese leaders have called repeatedly in the past few years for a nationwide fight against corruption and smuggling.

56.   Vietnamese leaders have expressed fears that the growing inequality will cause the cities to be swamped with rural poor, to the neglect of agriculture.

57.   Vietnamese leaders, fearful of losing popular support, regularly condemn official corruption and invite newspapers to help uncover cases of it.

58.   He is due to attend a formal welcoming ceremony at the Presidential Palace before holding talks with Vietnamese leaders.

59.   His itinerary included talks with Vietnamese leader Du Moi on Tuesday.

60.   In Hanoi, Kim will meet communist party general secretary Do Muoi and other Vietnamese leaders, with the focus on economic issues, a presidential spokesman said.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
vietnamese 0.12%
vietnamese + n. >>共 656
government 7.50%
official 5.98%
authority 3.35%
leader 2.96%
refugee 2.73%
counterpart 2.12%
woman 1.99%
immigrant 1.45%
community 1.35%
company 1.35%
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