51.   Caraballo was discharged from the army for stealing a vehicle, but he said the vehicle taken by units tasked to carry out the kidnappings.

52.   Dealers said the local unit had taken a hammering Thursday amid offshore dollar demand and continuing import dollar buying.

53.   During the war in Bosnia, Bosnian Serb units took action against Moslems in the area to try to prevent them crossing into territory they held.

54.   The units then took up positions in an abandoned building in Beitunia near the West Bank city.

55.   This reporter noted that fighters were not carrying arms in the streets where ECOMOG units took up positions.

56.   Other units took up positions around the capital.

57.   Renault plans to have the Vallodolid unit take over making part of the Clios now made in Vilvorde.

58.   Running special software, the unit takes an incoming call -- voice or fax -- and stores it on disk.

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