51.   The unidentified men knew they were being sought and turned themselves in Thursday.

52.   The unidentified man had a heated argument Friday night and left to spend the night elsewhere, investigators said.

53.   Their queries carried an undercurrent, aptly summarized by an unidentified man who appeared on a video screen from Novosibirsk, in southern Siberia.

54.   The unidentified man had yet to be interviewed in depth by police as of late Monday afternoon.

55.   The unidentified man is hanging in Belton, very near the spot where Hornsby hung before Thomas.

56.   The unidentified man suffered possible broken ribs and numerous cuts and bruises.

57.   The unidentified men then escaped in a car, which they abandoned before switching to an auto rickshaw a few miles away.

58.   The waitress brought three margaritas and three tequila shots to Barbara Bush, Day-Wickham and an unidentified man with them, according to police reports.

59.   The woman, a former topless dancer, alleges that Irvin held a gun on her while she had sex with Williams and an unidentified man.

60.   They might actually be two otherwise unidentified men who stole the identities of others, including a commercial pilot who is the son of a Saudi diplomat.

a. + man >>共 735
the 13.38%
young 12.91%
black 3.01%
armed 2.26%
white 1.92%
big 1.45%
gay 1.38%
dead 1.27%
elderly 1.15%
older 0.99%
unidentified 0.97%
unidentified + n. >>共 564
gunman 12.97%
source 10.64%
man 10.46%
assailant 5.15%
official 4.38%
attacker 2.84%
woman 2.43%
person 2.17%
body 2.03%
people 1.95%
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