51.   Yet, while scoffing at fancy French terms, he makes a court bouillon with the best and prefers to flavor his creations with truffle oil instead of olive.

n. + oil >>共 299
soybean 9.59%
sesame 8.94%
soy 6.68%
canola 4.67%
fish 4.08%
truffle 3.31%
diesel 2.72%
midnight 2.07%
engine 2.01%
cod 1.62%
truffle + n. >>共 60
oil 34.46%
hunter 5.41%
butter 3.38%
sauce 3.38%
mixture 2.70%
menu 2.03%
juice 2.03%
risotto 2.03%
slice 2.03%
shaving 2.03%
每页显示:    共 51