51.   The company has admitted that some of its subcontractors in countries such as Vietnam have violated its conduct on how workers should be treated.

52.   The Clinton administration Wednesday gently flicked cold water on recent proposals by congressional Democrats to change the tax laws in order to encourage business to treat workers better.

53.   The injured workers were treated at the Hackensack Medical Center, and five have been released.

54.   The growers, meanwhile, say that most berry workers are in fact treated well, and that unionization would force some small farms out of business.

55.   The money is going to treat workers, clean up facilities, and buy and operate electron-beam equipment to sanitize the mail, he said.

56.   The NBC worker is being treated for an anthrax infection of the skin, a less dangerous form of the disease.

57.   The new paradigm of work will be for employers to treat new workers as investors of intellectual capital, he said.

58.   The ruling could have a big impact on companies, many of which are in the high-tech industries, that treat workers as independent contractors.

59.   The supply of most kinds of labor is low, relative to the demand, so each worker should be treated as a cherished asset, right?

60.   There have also been assertions that the workers have been treated harshly by immigration officials since being taken into custody.

v. + worker >>共 980
hire 4.61%
kill 3.75%
protect 2.79%
pay 2.61%
fire 2.26%
represent 2.13%
injure 1.89%
send 1.52%
keep 1.51%
say 1.36%
treat 1.12%
treat + n. >>共 888
patient 6.34%
people 6.04%
disease 3.08%
victim 2.09%
child 2.08%
woman 1.84%
case 1.34%
man 1.29%
cancer 1.24%
condition 0.99%
worker 0.97%
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