51.   SIMEX has a similar mutual offset arrangement with the International Petroleum Exchange in London in which Brent crude futures are traded.

v. + future >>共 554
discuss 6.88%
have 6.84%
see 6.03%
mix 4.08%
decide 2.76%
determine 2.56%
change 2.26%
predict 2.15%
face 1.93%
pressure 1.77%
trade 1.14%
trade + n. >>共 1094
stock 5.16%
share 4.54%
fire 3.32%
accusation 2.21%
company 1.64%
player 1.39%
place 1.28%
volume 1.16%
pick 1.11%
right 1.07%
future 0.97%
每页显示:    共 51