51.   He left tire tracks at the scene.

52.   In at least two of the areas, many tire tracks were visible in the soft sand.

53.   It appeared the vehicle slid for some distance on its side and there were deep tire tracks in the grass.

54.   Many of the figures are already crisscrossed by tire tracks.

55.   Shermantine was linked to the deaths by tire tracks matching his pickup near where the two men were shot to death in a car off a remote road.

56.   Sources have said tire tracks matching the type of truck used in the bombing were found at the shed.

57.   That is neat how you can walk in the tire tracks.

58.   The U.S. tourists drove their van across this bleak desert plain in southern Peru, their tire tracks scarring the fragile, ancient designs etched into the moonlike landscape.

59.   There were deep tire tracks in the grass, indicating the vehicle slid for some distance on its side.

60.   Tire tracks discovered outside the base are believed to belong to a car that left with the missiles late Monday, Channel Two TV said.

n. + track >>共 446
railroad 16.55%
race 14.91%
train 5.91%
railway 5.18%
title 3.54%
rail 3.46%
tire 2.49%
test 1.57%
horse 1.57%
dog 1.37%
tire + n. >>共 245
maker 9.19%
company 6.04%
track 5.42%
failure 3.76%
barricade 3.24%
barrier 3.15%
problem 3.15%
manufacturer 2.71%
pressure 2.71%
recall 2.36%
每页显示:    共 62