51.   Rather than prison terms, the study recommends alternative sanctions such as intensive probation and treatment-oriented drug courts for nonviolent offenders.

52.   Several former Clinton associates, including ex-Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker, already are serving prison terms.

53.   Some have already completed their prison terms.

54.   Still another will allow the state to hold sex offenders deemed to be at risk of repeat offenses for two years after their prison terms end.

55.   Some of them paid for their dissent with long prison terms or forced stays in mental hospitals.

56.   Such women are given psychiatric treatment and rarely serve prison terms.

57.   That law mandates stiff prison terms for hordes of young, low-level drug users and dealers who are caught twice.

58.   The attackers were convicted of aggravated sexual abuse and are serving long prison terms.

59.   The agreement also calls for the return of all North Koreans who served prison terms in the South who want to return home.

60.   The crack statute has generated heated criticism, with state and federal judges refusing to follow the guidelines and imposing shorter prison terms.

n. + prison >>共 138
term 39.30%
security 19.36%
high-security 6.00%
island 3.29%
life 1.74%
week 1.45%
medium-security 1.36%
five-year 0.97%
government 0.87%
time 0.87%
term + n. >>共 892
limit 24.28%
prison 10.39%
jail 5.55%
end 1.74%
contract 1.64%
life 1.13%
loan 0.87%
policy 0.69%
level 0.67%
investment 0.64%
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