51.   In the bush of Africa or the forests of Latin America, the genetic technology might someday become a part of the natural landscape.

52.   In the last decade, new technology has become the primary driver of the industry.

53.   Initially there will be three vessels, but Eisbrenner said she hopes many more are built as the technology becomes a world standard.

54.   Industry executives say they are confident that digital technology will become popular as it matures.

55.   It will be interesting to see how rapidly this technology becomes commonplace.

56.   Laser technology has become more effective over the years, said Goffe, and the chance of scarring is less than for other methods of cosmetic removal.

57.   Look for that technology to become more popular and affordable.

58.   Never mind this trendy on-line stuff -- at least until technology becomes more elegant and easier to use.

59.   Nevertheless, Parsons insisted that the technology will become more accurate.

60.   No one knows how widespread wireless technology will become.

n. + become >>共 1789
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technology 0.32%
technology + v. >>共 637
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