51.   Over the weekend, Frei will be host for the second Summit of the Americas where talks will focus on trade, drugs, democracy and education.

52.   Pande countered that the talks now were focusing only on the cease-fire.

53.   Palestinian negotiators said the talks focused on the scope of the pullback, as well as the opening of a Palestinian airport and industrial zone in the Gaza Strip.

54.   A source close to Milosevic said the talks focused on mutual recognition of the two states, which could be announced in the coming weeks.

55.   A Russian mediator, Arkady Volsky, said the talks would focus on how to end the fighting in Chechnya.

56.   A spokesman for Ruddock said the talks will focus on the prospect of the island, south of Java in Indonesia, being used to house boat people.

57.   Agricultural talks will focus on fruit products - notably juices and processed canned fruits - as well as cereals and dairy products.

58.   Aimed at thawing the frosty relations, the talks will focus on trade and tourism, sidestepping long-standing disputes.

59.   Aidid said the talks focused on how to improve security in Mogadishu.

60.   Alatas said he expected the upcoming talks to focus exclusively on procedural matters, with substantive discussions postponed until a future round.

n. + focus >>共 1162
talk 4.73%
company 4.34%
investor 2.80%
attention 2.38%
meeting 2.01%
investigation 1.97%
discussion 1.81%
investigator 1.72%
government 1.43%
group 1.32%
talk + v. >>共 359
be 28.78%
resume 6.22%
begin 5.54%
continue 5.02%
take 3.00%
fail 2.86%
break_down 2.74%
go 2.66%
focus 2.30%
end 1.88%
每页显示:    共 342