51.   If California wanted a long-term bailing out from the Bush administration, it should have picked a different time to stop being a swing state.

52.   If nothing else, Democrats want to force Dole to devote time and effort in Texas that he would rather expend in traditional swing states.

53.   In effect, Dole is gambling that he can win Texas with minimal effort so that he can concentrate on beating Clinton in traditional swing states.

54.   In the final days, the presidential candidates narrowed their efforts to barely a dozen swing states.

55.   In recent days, the Democrats have broadcast television advertisements in swing states with much the same message.

56.   Instead, Gans said, there could be higher turnout in several of the swing states where polls show a close race between the candidates.

57.   In the last week, at least seven Web sites have turned up offering to match Nader voters in swing states with Gore voters in undisputed states.

58.   Instead of focusing on swing states and the issues important within them, candidates would aim ever more-homogenized messages at a nationwide audience.

59.   It is as prevalent with swing states as the final stretch of a presidential campaign.

60.   It will come down to the results in a handful of swing states, possibly two handfuls.

n. + state >>共 718
member 33.02%
battleground 5.30%
island 5.26%
rogue 3.53%
swing 2.99%
one-party 2.00%
pariah 1.17%
border 1.13%
year 1.11%
city 1.11%
swing + n. >>共 181
voter 18.11%
state 13.68%
vote 12.38%
district 4.53%
bowler 3.42%
pass 3.05%
set 2.96%
coach 2.87%
band 2.40%
music 2.22%
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